India network access

GPON in India

Customer Requirement: In India, Tier 1 telecom operators focus on mobile network development. Wireline broadband access network develops very slowly.

FTTH Subscribers penetration is about 9%. Recently years, MSO and ISPs want to provide highspeed service like HDTV, internet, voice to their customers. GPON is the best technical solution for them.

Solution: Hymo cooperated with India local partner to provide pizza box OLT (1 U size) to protect operater's investment. Hymo's OLT is free access to any third part ONU suppliers. And we provide ACS which supports TR069 to manage terminal ONU to reduce labor costs.


Company: Hymo Connect


Add: Room 903, Skyworth Digital Building , Shiyan Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China>

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